what animals live in the amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is one of the most beautiful forest in the world. It seems from some incredible animal home frogs that they came straight from a sci-fi movie to a more enthusiastic bird - and are currently burning at a record rate. We have found some of the most interesting people who are facing devastation and damage as their homes are destroyed by deadly fires and smoke. The Poto Potato Camouflage Master - What does the branch look like with outstretched legs? Potatoes are interesting animals in both appearance and behavior. These are tropical nocturnal birds that hunt at night and sleep during the day. Potts have a variety of colors that make them extremely difficult to find in the wild because they blend so well with the bark. This evolution allows them to save comfort and energy for insect prey. Pink River Dolphin Known as the Amazon River Dolphin, the pink dolphin thrives on freshwater and is characterized by its pink color and point rostrum. The river dolphin (also known ...

Animal rights in india

In India, there is an incredible hatred of animal lovers feeding or caring for straws, since streaks are seen as a threat. People fail to understand that dumb animals are living creatures that experience the same amount of pain and suffering as humans, and in some cases do more.
However, for those who are voiceless and working for the welfare of these animals, some rules have been laid down before the Constitution of India.

Animal rights in india

1.It is illegal to cripple or harm an animal.

Sections 427 and 429 of the Indian Penal Code and the Cruelty Animals Act of 19rux make it illegal or could harm an animal. It is also illegal for vehicles to intentionally injure dogs, cats and cows on the road. Violations of this law can be reported to the local animal protection group and the police. Lawsuits may also be filed under the aforesaid sections.

The penalty for all the above acts is a minimum of Rs.500. 2000 and / or up to five years in prison.4. No sterilized dogs can be moved from their territory No sterile dogs can be moved from their territory under the Government of India, Animal Birth Control Rules 2001. According to five separate High Court orders, sterilized dogs must remain in their original territory. If the dog is not sterilized, the society can only disinfect the dog to an animal welfare organization.

2. The Delhi High Court has stated that there is no law that prohibits people from feeding stray animals.

In fact, feeding straws is both halal and helpful as they make it easy to confine them to any 
specific area of ​​their own. This is to facilitate efficient birth control and annual vaccination.
Animal rights in india

3. It is a criminal offense to feed poisonous food to stray animals.

Animal rights in india
The person caught in the act can be charged under Section 11 of the Neutrality Act, 1950, which extends to all parts of India except Jammu and Kashmir.

4.The Animal Welfare Board of India gives IDs to all stray animals.

These IDs help people who want to protect themselves from abusive pests. The board also hosts an animal welfare fortnightly, which does not get the kind of attention they deserve.
Animal rights in india

5.The implementation of these rules largely depends on the NGOs.

Stray dogs are protected under the Prevention of Migratory Animals Act 1990 and the rules
made under section 37 of the Act, especially the Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rules, 2001; 
Indian Penal Code, Articles 428 and 429 of the Constitution and Article 51A (g). Despite 
such a large law, people are released without punishment because it is a difficult task 
to bring them to justice.

6. Keeping an animal chained for long hours with heavy discipline or gel, or the amount of cruelty to the animal and the fine or imprisonment for up to 3 months or both.

Animal rights in india

While laws may not evoke the sympathy that no innocent and mute animal feels for,
at any time they can actually be a deterrent to criminals when it comes to harming animals.

Here is a list of things you can do to protect your laws.


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