Abundance is a multi-level marketing company that sells skin care products, cleaning products and of course dog and cat food. You won’t find a lot of Life’s dog food in any pet store, they sell it directly to customers and often through their “direct marketers” who may hit you through Facebook to try to sell you this dog food.
There are two different things to consider before buying this dog food and that is the MLM / business aspect of life and the dog food itself. Let’s take a first look at the ingredients and nutrition of real food for dogs.
Ingredients And Analysis
Not much is known about the ingredients that Life Abundance uses because they do not provide complete information and the company has not been eating dog food for a long time. Also, this company does not make their own dog food, they outsource it and only use their own packaging.
Overall the nutritional breakdown for this meal is quite good, I think it is much better than expected from the MLM company. 33.3% protein content is respectable and 40.6% carbs is quite low which is what most dog owners want to see in their dog food.
Let’s take a look at the abundance of Life All Life Stage Cereals to break down what it has on the list of free dog food and ingredients.
It doesn't look great when you look at the list of original ingredients. The top protein sources are farm peas, lamb peas and potatoes after turkey meal and chicken meal. This may be an indication that they are consuming a lot of vegetable protein that lacks the same amino acids that are actually found in meat.
Life’s Abundance Dog Food Product
The Abundance of Life provides a “All Life Stage” product line in both grain free and non-grain free options. The Gran Free formula is a bit more expensive but has a list of better ingredients and better nutritional content.
They also have a puppy line of dog food and adult weight loss dog food. After looking at the ingredients and nutrition information for all of this, it is clear that the Gran Free formula we saw above is the best option they are given, these other formulas should be cut down and avoided.
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